
You can now sign up to become a member of the Heritage Hub at QUB.

Queen's University Belfast researchers have been awarded €740,000 (£630,000) to lead a cross-border digital humanities research project which will follow the footsteps of the surveyors who mapped Ireland 200 years ago.

Corrymeela is an organisation seeking to aid communities which suffered through the violence of the Northern Irish conflict. They are offering a 'Leadership in Heritage Course' as part of their 'Our Places, Our Pasts, Our Perspectives' Project.

Heritage Hub @ QUB has partnered with Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH) to run online community heritage workshops on the landscape legacies of the early Ordnance Survey (OS) in the Highlands of Scotland.

Between 2014 and 2019 the centenary of World War One saw a most amazing response. Across the land, local communities explored the impacts and legacies of the war.